Alphabet Posters or Cards for your Wall or Flashcards

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This is an awesome collection of alphabet posters! The gorgeous full color photos compliment the alphabet pictures used in CCC: Being a Reader, but no matter what curriculum you use, these are going to look fantastic in your room!


Special options include:

•With or without handwriting lines

•C & G with or without soft & hard sounds (guitar, with or without giraffe) (caterpillar, with or without circle)


Fun Fact: All photos were selected with the consultation and advising of real kids :) so I’m sure your class will love these posters and refer to them often!


Printing thoughts: If you want to print these in a size other than full-page size (want a smaller version for a word wall or somewhere else?), you should be able to go find the option in the print menu to scale your printing to a smaller size.Enjoy!