Visual Direction Cards - help kids SEE & remember what you want them to do!

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Product Description
Tired of spending valuable time reminding students what to do next for the ump-teenth time? :) Want a simple way to make your teaching more efficient and effective? You need these visual direction cards! Tons of options are included (as well as an editable version so you can make your own!) to make sure you have EVERYTHING you'll want.

Just print, cut out, and start using them today as visual cues to accompany directions you display for your students. After learning about the power of visual directions, I created these and started using them several years ago... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I don't know what I ever did without them!

I use mine so often that I've laminated them and stuck magnetic tape on the back so I'm able to quickly stick them on my white board. Then as I'm giving directions, I just stick the cards up and everyone knows exactly what to do. If they forget, they know where to look- it's all there!

Research proves that visual directions with pictures increase the clarity of the message AND double the length of the receiver's memory. 

If you post directions visually in the room, kids can learn to look there rather than asking you to remind them what to do next! This simple move makes your students more confident AND frees you up for more important things! Win-win!


I always display my directions on my white board so I add clarifying words here and there and if I need something that I don't have a card for, I just write it. The idea behind these cards is that you won't have to spend time writing and drawing the MOST COMMONLY used directions over and over. They're also much more visually appealing than anything I could draw as I'm giving instructions. :)

Check out the preview for more details and great pictures.

Cards measure about 3.5" x 3.5" square. They fit conveniently into an average index card file box to make storing/ organizing them a breeze. I found some dividing tabs to alphabetize my cards so I can find exactly what I'm looking for in a flash (because that's about how much time I feel like I have with my kindergartener's attention spans- haha). I need to be organized and prepared! :)

Included in this resource, you get:

 Directions on how and why to use the cards (simple and clear) 

 Header cards with your choice of words :
✅ I can follow directions (in MANY different colors - see them all in the preview!)
✅ Instructions (in blue or black)
✅ Directions (in blue or black)

 Number cards to order your steps :
✅1-12 in your choice of teal, navy, blue, or black

 Over 150 beautiful card options to use as you're presenting directions to kids, including:

✅Clean Up
✅Cover up
✅Cross Off
✅Fold (3 options)
✅Glue (stick and bottle options)
✅Help a Friend
✅Line Up
✅Put Away Supplies
✅Raise Your Hand
✅Roll (dice)
✅Seesaw (the app- included with permission from Seesaw)
✅Throw Away
✅Turn and Talk
✅Wash Hands
✅Write the Date
✅Write Your Name

✅Colored Pencil
✅Coloured Pencil
✅Exit Ticket
✅Glue Stick
✅Glue Bottle
✅Pattern Blocks
✅White Board
✅Work Places
✅Unfinished Work

Put it over there ➙ (2 cards- arrows pointing each direction)
✅Put it in your notebook
✅Put it in your mailbox
✅Put it in your binder
✅Put it in your locker
✅Put it in your backpack
✅Put it in your desk
✅Put it in the basket
✅Put it on the table
✅Put it in ________
✅Give it to your teacher (with space for your picture)
✅Show it to your teacher (w/ space for your picture)
✅Give it to ________
✅Take it home

 PLUS... you get blank cards that you can edit in powerpoint (along with info on the free font I used so yours can match perfectly) if there's anything else you want to add!

But, wait- there's MORE! You also get:
A second (older, but still great) style of cards with fewer options:
Cards say:

* number your paper
* write your name
* write
* draw
* circle
* trace
* underline
* color (with a crayon visual)
* color (with a marker visual)
* butter (that's what we call highlighting our popcorn/sight words)
* highlight
* paint
* read
* cut
* glue
* hole punch
* staple
* tape
* fold (both directions)
* listen

Where to put things:
* Put it in your backpack.
* Put it in your folder.
* Put it in your binder.
* Put it in the basket.

What to do next:
* Clean up
* Recycle
* Read

SO. MANY. OPTIONS! More details and better pictures are available in the preview.
Give these a try... I'm sure you'll love them and so will your students!